A beach, the sea and “July” written on the sand
July: the apex of summer

The cycle of time


Anna Ferrari
12 min readOct 4, 2023


We arrived with our story at the height of summer¹: the month of July is the seventh of the year and the second of the summer season. Its name evokes beaches, sun, sea, holidays, loves. A month that seems to smile and invite us to take life lightly for once and let ourselves be carried away as if on the waves of the sea.


“July” derives from “Iulius”, i.e., Julius Caesar, Roman leader, and emperor, born on the 12th or 13th of the month in 101 BC. In the Roman calendar (we talked about calendar changes here) it was called Quintile [qui’ntile], from the Latin five, because it was the fifth month of the year. It was Mark Antony, Caesar’s trusted lieutenant, who changed it in July when Julius Caesar died (44 BC).

Here you can read the story of Caesar’s death.

The zodiac

The month has 31 days and the zodiac signs for July are Gemini (until the 21st) and Cancer.

Cancer, which lasts until August 22, is the fourth zodiac sign, before Leo. Cancer is the cardinal sign of water. The cardinal signs, that is, those that begin with the new season, at the solstice (summer and winter) and at the equinox (spring and autumn) are: Aries for fire, Libra for air and Capricorn for earth. People born under these signs are very dynamic, both physically…

