During her university years, Anna Ferrari began to work in the publishing industry, opening a studio with an illustrator and collaborating on many publications for the 'Corriere dei Piccoli'.

After graduating in Foreign Languages and Literature, with specializations in Russian and English, Magna Cum Laude, she began teaching and took part in specialization courses abroad, in Moscow and London. These experiences nurtured her inexhaustible passion for literature, but especially in English and Russian.

Her curiosity and thirst for new experiences led her to work on various fronts: proofreader and external editor for Zanichelli, translations from Russian and English; editor of a fiction series for Le Monnier for about five years; editorial consultant and ghost writer. Her most valuable experience of these years, especially as an editor, has enriched her fiction, and above all, she has come to know the world of readers at close quarters. She collaborates as a miscellaneous editor with Mondadori, writes school texts in English and Italian, and a novel for children, La casa nel nocciolo (The House in a Hazelnut).

In 2020, she published her novel Insondabile destino (Unfathomable destiny), which one reader described as: "It is a sensational book, involving every angle and a poignant and emotional story on every page." I loved it indescribably...

Anna Ferrari reads avidly in all the moments she takes away from writing, a fundamental aspect of her life. She loves novels, especially those of the 19th century, the stories of R. Carver, Flannery O' Connol, Alice Munro, mystery novels, and, first and foremost, E. A. Poe. She knows Celtic culture inside out, and is a specialist in mythology and fairy tales, which she approached through the writings of V. Propp, the Russian formalists, and B. Betteheilm. Betteheilm.

She finds it extremely relaxing to surround herself with plants and take care of them; she couldn't live without Hazel and Tilly, her "furry angels," who, since they came into her life, have dominated her and, above all, Hazel, has become her Muse, when Anna Ferrari wanders aimlessly through the park. Her lifelong companions and allies in her life are her husband and son.


Insondabile destino, Self Publishing Vincente

Small Narratives, Tektime

A Book to Heal. When reading cures the soul. (Essays on Jane Austen, Paul Auster, A. S. Byatt, C. Lispector, N. Lagioia), Streetlib.

Voices, Neftasia 2010 (second prize at the Premio Kafka Italia)-

Women from the sky, Marietti 2008.

Miti e leggende d'Europa (Europe's myths and legends), Mursia, 2004.

Nuove Fiabe d'Europa (New Tales of Europe), Mursia, 2001.

Miti del Nord Europa (Northern European Myths), Mursia 1997.

Various authors, Figure di donna. Racconti dell'800 russo (Figures of women. Tales of the Russian '800, Mursia, 1996.

La casa nel nocciolo (The House in the Hazelnut), Mursia 1996 (2nd place in the "Giovan Battista Basile" prize, finalist in the "Letteratura per ragazzi della Città di Asola" prize, "Bancarellino" selection).

Fiabe d'Europa (Europe's fairy tales), Mursia 1993 (finalist at the "Lunigiana" prize, third place at the "Valdenesi" prize).

Puskin, Fairy Tales F, Mursia 1995.

Chekhov A., La steppa e altri racconti sui bambini, Mursia 1995. Follow me also on:

VK https://vk.com/id698512029

Medium member since May 2019
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